Laboratory aspects
Molecular monitoring of patients with CML is essential to follow the disease evolution and response to treatment. However, the molecular monitoring requires a validated, standardized and robust technology. For these reasons the CML-MPN Quebec Research Group organized a symposium in June 2012 on the molecular monitoring of CML. Below you will find some of the presentations of this symposium. Please note that those presentation are in french.
Les aspects techniques de la détection et de la quantification relative de l’ARNm BCR-ABL par PCR
By Eric Winstall Ph.D. in collaboration with Bruno Lamontagne Ph.D
La standardisation et l’assurance qualité du RQ-PCR
By Nathalie Girard, PhD and Lambert Busque, MD, FRCPC
La détection de mutations du gène abl1
By David Faucher PhD and Lambert Busque, MD, FRCPC